Friday, April 2, 2010

Bojovic supports Education over government waste

Response to Morris Daily Herald article titled: MCHS placed on Financial Watch List

Too funny! (Sarcasm) The state of Illinois placing another governing body on its financial watch list, does anyone see the irony in this? I agree with the Superintendent’s assessment regarding the 1.80 tax rate. The community as a whole suffered with the Collins station closure, but I guess one has to wonder why in the world are administrators remaining silent about TIF districts (back door tax) that continue to siphon Local education dollars away from their respective school budgets? Each year tax levies continue to go up as a result of this and yet all we hear are crickets when TIF districts (back door tax) are extended for yet another 23 years or so. Administrators need to attend a council meeting and request a special hearing to discuss repealing and/or placing a moratorium on all existing and future TIF districts, respectively. As boards of education around the county contemplate laying-off educator’s and cutting back on school programs, they need to keep in mind that our children only pass through this road once. They don’t get a do over once finances improve. If we limit our children’s educational experiences, we fail as a community. But don’t worry a band shell and a new city hall will look real nice once it’s complete, I think our political leaders need to wake up and smell the coffee. Hello Mc Fly!